Vega Bakshi Gautam

She has a huge appetite for all things queer – food, people, games and stories. A hard worker at work and an easy player in Basket Ball, Vega has taken a full 360 degree circle in all fields possible but finally settled for her passion – FILMS. With an experience of a decade, Vega specialises in script writing, content production, voice overs, video editing and oversees everything from pre to post production.

Amit Gautam
Creative Director

Any kind of film can never face a glitch with us because it is blessed with the superpower of our super man Amit, our multi talented creative director, producer, cinematographer, video editor, animator and an amazing storyteller through visuals. If you were to describe Amit in one word –  he is the soul of Pride Films. If he looks lost at any time, its only because his mind is processing a flashback or he is finding a story in you. Our one man show has an experience of close to 2 decades and is an ideal filmmaker